Architectural Services Request

Public Announcement of Contract for Professional Design Services

The Mechanicsburg Public Library intends to contract for architectural services in connection with renovation of its Main Library building located at 60 South Main Street, Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044. Architectural firms interested in being considered for a contract to provide the required services should reply with a statement of proposal no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 30, 2017.  Proposals should include ideas for improvements to our building and grounds to expand and enhance public access to Library resources and services.  Proposals should include statements of qualifications with information regarding the firm’s history; education and experience of owners and key technical personnel; the technical expertise of the firm’s current staff; and the firm’s experience in designing similar projects; previous work performed at the Mechanicsburg Public Library; availability of staff including a description of projects currently under contract; the names and roles of the individuals on the proposed team, including the individual who will be the day-to-day contact; the firm’s equipment and facilities; the firm’s resources and capacity to meet the needs of the Project; and a listing of all projects in the past five years developed by the firm, similar to this project and involving Ohio public libraries including the date the project began and ended, the name and phone number of the owner or representative having knowledge of the firm’s work, and information related to project budget and percentage over or under budget.  If the firm proposes to use sub-consultants for any elements of the project, the Statement of Qualifications should include the name of the sub-consultant firm, contact information and the role in the project.

Deliver proposals to Tammie Beers, Director, Mechanicsburg Public Library, 60 South Main Street, Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044. Direct questions to Tammie Beers at 937-834-2004 or

Evaluation of proposals will result in an order ranking. Proposals received after the deadline will drop in rank. Following this evaluation, the Mechanicsburg Public Library will enter into contract negotiations with the most highly qualified firm. The firm selected may be required to make a presentation to the Board of Library Trustees. If the contract negotiations with the highest ranked firm are unsuccessful, the Mechanicsburg Public Library reserves the right, but shall not be required, to enter into negotiations with the next highest ranked firm.

Name of Project: Mechanicsburg Public Library Renovation
Location: 60 South Main Street, Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044
Description: The renovated building and grounds will need to address the changing dynamics of the library service model including emerging technologies.  This project supports our strategic plan to provide safe and welcoming physical spaces to meet and interact with others or to sit quietly and read and will have open and accessible virtual spaces to support networking.  We are interested in flexibility to adapt to changing community needs and to provide quick access to employee assistance, as well as visitor-initiated, autonomous service. The project will include updates to wiring, lighting, plumbing, signage, HVAC, windows and doors, sidewalks, green space and parking areas as determined necessary.  The plans must meet ADA requirements and improve accessibility to the building and employee working environment.
Scope of Services: The Board of Trustees seeks qualified candidates to provide architectural, engineering, and design services that tentatively include, but are not limited to, some or all of the following:
•    Assistance with development of program requirements
•    Assistance with development of Project budget and design and construction schedules
•    Architectural design (including plans, specifications, drawings, and renderings)
•    Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection design
•    Structural engineering
•    Information technologies design
•    Communications/data systems design
•    Interior design
•    Plans, specifications and bidding packages for furniture, fixtures, and equipment
•    Lighting design
•    Building code and ADA review
•    Cost estimating and value engineering
•    Development of schematic and construction documents
•    Assistance with publicly bidding and awarding construction contracts
•    Construction administration and post-construction activities

Source of Funding: The project budget has not yet been determined. The project will be funded through money set aside in the Library’s Building Fund, through state and local tax receipts, grants, and donations.

Cost Proposal: Present a detailed budget for the work to be performed.
Project Schedule: The project schedule includes a desire for architectural services to begin within 15 days of contract execution with design and construction schedules to be determined thereafter.

Services Required: The Library’s overall objective for this Project is to have a viable building for up-to-date library services for a minimum of twenty (20) additional years. The Library seeks an overall Project that can be completed in phases, allowing the Library to continue serving its customers throughout the Project. Design, plan, preparation, plan approval and bidding services are desired. Construction inspections and oversight are desired but are to be negotiated.

Evaluation Criteria:  Proposals will be ranked based on quality and timeliness of proposals, geography, clarity of proposed work, experience with similar projects, qualifications, references, alignment with goals, proposed timeline, and resources available to complete the project.

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