
Breast Friends Forever Email –   Phone – 937-408-2288 

Cause-Driven Toastmasters Club Meets on Zoom every Friday at 12 PM. Guests are always welcome; please email Rebecca, Club President, at, for the link and/or more information.

Champaign County Animal Welfare League Inc. Phone - 937-835-5236 Address - 3858 State Route 56 Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

Champaign County Kiwanis Club Meets at La Palma Mexican Restaurant on the 2nd Thursday and Madison-Champaign Educational Service Center on the 4th Thursday of each month at 11 AM. Guests are always welcome; please email Rebecca, Club Secretary, at for more information.

Champaign Works ​(Champaign County News & Job Board) 3 Monument Square Urbana, Ohio 43078 Phone - (937) 653-7200

Goshen Garden Club - Plant Sale at Library usually Saturday before Mother's Day

Mechanicsburg Lions Club Meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM (September to May) at Hemisphere Coffee Roasters. Guests are always welcome; please text Mark Breon, Club Secretary, for more information – 937-408-7724.

Mother's Memorial Circle Phone – 937-408-9535. Usually meets last Thursday of the month

Oasis of Mercy Food Pantry 40 Walnut Street, Mechanicsburg, Oh 43044 (St. Michael’s Church Parish Hall) Email: Phone: 614-507-0882 (Scott Spinner, Director) Volunteers and donations are welcome.  1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month from 4-7 pm

Our Towne Mechanicsburg Facebook  - usually meet 4th Monday of the month at Library at 6:30 PM. Volunteers are always welcome; please email Rebecca at, for more information.

Woman's Tourist Club - text Rita Anderson at 937-206-1363

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